Settings will persist between scans of the same capture mode and through power cycles. If you would like to restore settings back to default, select the reset button in the top right on the workflow pane during the Review or Edit Settings steps of a scan.

[note] GPS will be required for scans higher than 65 ft (20 m). [/note]

For example industry use cases and recommended settings, check out this article

[accordion heading = "Camera Settings"]

Based on the available lighting conditions, your drone will automatically adjust photo settings to ensure it captures the best quality images. Always monitor Flight Deck for in-app alerts notifying you if there are problems with the lighting conditions.

General Best Practices

One factor of a successful reconstruction is consistency between images. When White Balance is set to Auto, the value is locked based on the first image of the scan

  • If you set a specific White Balance value this will be used throughout the scan
  • Lower values result in a cooler (blues) image while higher values result in a warmer (yellows) image.

When scanning in low-light environments (under a bridge, night scans with ambient lighting, indoor), we recommend turning on Stop for Photo and using 1/4 resolution for best image quality. 

For Indoor Capture, we recommend using the Wide camera for best photogrammetry reconstruction results and the most efficient time onsite.

If you plan to use the Narrow camera during an Indoor Capture, we recommend using a large Distance to Surface for better photogrammetry reconstruction results. We also recommend 1/4 resolution for indoor environments that are not well lit.


AutoFocus (AF)
Skydio 3D Scan will default to AutoFocus when capturing images while scanning.

Manual Focus (MF) and Tap to Focus are only available during scan setup and manual capture.


VT300-Z and VT300-L/V100-L Sensor Package Zoom

The VT300-Z sensor package defaults to the Narrow camera, and the VT300-L/V100-L sensor package defaults to the Wide camera. Zooming is not available while actively scanning

Configuring photo settings

Ensure you have configured the following photo settings, including thermal options, before starting your scan. 

With the VT300-L or V100-L sensor packages, you have the ability to select between the wide lens and the narrow lens in the Scan Settings step under Camera FOV.

The wide lens is best for closeup inspections  and allows the drone to scan faster, resulting in X10 traveling less total distance. 

The narrow lens is best for inspections that are further away, but your scan may take longer to complete. 


Photo Settings

File Type
Choose whether you want Skydio X10 to capture JPG images only, or both JPG and DNG files.

  • JPG - Digital image format containing compressed image data.
  • DNG - RAW image format file, meaning it is not compressed and retains all original photo data. A DNG file is larger than a JPG file since it stores image data.

[note] Full Resolution DNG photos (64 MP with the Narrow lens, 50MP with the Wide lens) can only be captured when Stop for Photo is enabled. If you enable Full Resolution DNG capture, this will automatically toggle on Stop for Photo. This is to ensure the completion of writing files to the microSD card. [/note]

Refers to the amount of detail in your video. Measured in megapixels.

  • Full - Images are captured at the highest quality, providing more detail and clarity.
  • ¼ - Images are captured at one-fourth of the full resolution, resulting in smaller file sizes. Best for conserving storage space or transmitting images faster.

Camera Mode

Standard - Designed for typical, everyday lighting conditions. Provides a balanced, standard level of exposure, image processing, and contrast.

Low Light - Designed for environments with dim lighting, such as indoors or evening. Settings are adjusted to capture more light, reduce noise, and improve visibility.

HDR - Designed to capture environments with a wide range of brightness levels. Multiple images are captured at different exposures and then combined to create a single, balanced image.


Resolution Recommendations

Full resolution

Camera Mode: Standard

Scenes with bright lighting conditions, such as daytime 

1/4 resolution
Camera Mode: Standard

Lowlight environments, such as under a bridge or indoor environments

1/4 resolution
Camera Mode: Lowlight

Scenes with dim lighting, such as indoors or evening

1/4 resolution
Camera Mode: HDR

Scenes with a wide range of brightness levels

For more information on Skydio X10 camera settings, read Understanding Skydio X10 camera and video settings.

  • DNG must be enabled for each independent scan. Note that your settings will not persist.
  • When reviewing your scan images in the Media menu, only JPG images are shown. Transfer your media to access DNG or RJPG files.
  • White balance should remain the same during a scan, so we do not recommend using Auto White Balance. Instead, manually set your White Balance when scanning to ensure consistent images. Variations could result in poor reconstructions. 
[note] When Interval is enabled, your drone will continuously capture photos at the specified time until the setting is disabled or the flight ends. Only available when the scan is paused or when capturing photos manually. The fastest interval photo setting is five seconds. [/note]

Thermal Settings

Thermal Capture
Enable to capture thermal images as JPG files.

  • RJPG - When enabled, your drone will capture a Radiometric JPG which includes the radiometric data within the photo file

[note] You are able to utilize the flashlight on VT300-L while scanning. However, doing so may impact photogrammetry reconstruction results. [/note]


[accordion heading = "All Scan Mode Settings"]

Overlap Percentage

Overlap between photos along a path. The default overlap is 80%; high overlap is recommended for complex scenes.

Sidelap Percentage

Sidelap between two adjacent flight paths. The default sidelap is 70%; high sidelap is recommended for complex scenes.

Stop for Photo

By default, the drone will fly through image capture points without stopping for smooth and efficient flight.

  • Skydio automatically sets the best speed to capture photos based on your scan distance and lighting conditions, while ensuring your images remain crisp and clear

Toggle this setting on if you would like Skydio to stop before capturing a photo at each capture point.

  • The drone will still accelerate between capture points
  • Enabling this setting significantly increases the amount of time and batteries required to complete your scan

Maximum Speed Slider

Use the Maximum Speed slider to set the maximum speed at which Skydio will travel while exploring, scanning and when returning to the Launch Point or Rally Point.

Speed settings for 3D Capture:

  • 1.1 - 11.2 mph (0.5 - 5 m/s)
  • Default speed is 11.2 mph (5 m/s) 

Speed settings for Surface Capture or Map Capture:

  • 1.1 - 11.2 mph (0.5 - 5 m/s)
  • Default speed is 5.6 mph (2.5 m/s) 


[accordion heading = "3D Capture Settings"]

Scan Passes

Organizes the capture path into three continuous slices, Z, Y, and X.

The Z slices are completed first and resemble orbits at fixed heights going around the structure. By default, the camera gimbal angle is set to 15°. Use the Z Gimbal Pitch slider to adjust the camera angle at which the drone will capture photos while orbiting. Increased gimbal pitch results in capturing less sky and more photos of the surrounding area and structure itself.

Read How to use scan slices in 3D Scan for more detailed information.

[info] The sensor package pitch represents the angle below the horizon. [/info] 

Distance to Surface (DtS)

Determines how close the drone will fly to the structure or area being scanned. Smaller distance to surface (closer) means more photos taken and higher resolution, with an increased total scan time. The Distance to Surface corresponds directly to Ground Sample Distance (GSD) which defines the distance between two consecutive pixel centers on the ground. For example, a one-millimeter GSD would suggest that the distance of the two consecutive pixel centers in the photo reflects one millimeter on the ground.

  • The DtS range for 3D Captures and Indoor Captures is 4.9 ft - 49.2 ft (1.5 m - 15 m)

Skydio X10 Wide camera GSD at various fixed Distance to Surface

Distance to Surface (m) Distance to Surface (ft) Full Resolution (50MP) GSD (mm) 1/4 Resolution (12MP) GSD (mm)
1.5 4.9 0.31 0.62
2 6.6 0.41 0.83
3 9.8 0.62 1.24
4 13.1 0.83 1.65
5 16.4 1.03 2.07
6 19.7 1.24 2.48
7 23.0 1.45 2.89
8 26.2 1.65 3.31
9 29.5 1.86 3.72
10 32.8 2.07 4.13
11 36.1 2.27 4.55
12 39.4 2.48 4.96
13 42.7 2.69 5.37
14 45.9 2.89 5.79
15 49.2 3.1 6.2

Skydio X10 Narrow camera GSD at various fixed Distance to Surface

Distance to Surface (m) Distance to Surface (ft) Full Resolution (64MP) GSD (mm) 1/4 Resolution (16MP) GSD (mm)
1.5 4.9 0.12 0.24
2 6.6 0.16 0.32
3 9.8 0.24 0.48
4 13.1 0.32 0.65
5 16.4 0.4 0.81
6 19.7 0.49 0.97
7 23.0 0.57 1.13
8 26.2 0.65 1.3
9 29.5 0.73 1.46
10 32.8 0.81 1.62
11 36.1 0.89 1.78
12 39.4 0.97 1.94
13 42.7 1.05 2.11
14 45.9 1.13 2.27
15 49.2 1.21 2.43


[accordion heading = "Surface and Map Capture Settings"]

Settings will persist between scans of the same capture mode and through power cycles. If you would like to restore settings back to default, select the refresh arrow in the top right on the workflow pane during the Review or Edit Settings step of a scan.


Scan 3D volumes by traversing the 2D perimeter at multiple heights and taking pictures inward.

  • Take place at the end of the scan, and the additional inward photos will improve reconstruction
  • This is a good setting to enable when scanning vertical structures like tall buildings or towers
  • The sensor package angle is set to 60° by default

Adjust the sensor package angle slider to your desired camera angle. The sensor package angle range for the Perimeter setting is 0-90 degrees.


Capture oblique images by enabling the Crosshatch setting. When enabled, Skydio will capture in a rotating lawn mower pattern.

  • This increases the number of photos but provides better oblique imagery for reconstruction
  • Instead of capturing nadir (top-down), the camera gimbal angle is adjustable to capture images at an angle for more detailed reconstruction
  • The sensor package angle is set to 60° by default

When disabled, the drone will capture photos in a nadir lawn mower pattern.

Adjust the sensor package angle slider to your desired camera angle. The range for the Crosshatch setting is 55-85 degrees. 

[info] The sensor package pitch represents the angle below the horizon. [/info] 

Height over Launch

The most important setting for Surface Captures. Lower height means more photos taken and higher resolution, but an increased total scan time.

In a Surface Capture, the Height is relative to the Surface you set. The Height corresponds directly to Ground Sample Distance (GSD). Set the Height higher than the slider options by piloting the drone to your desired height and tapping the Set Height to Current button. 

  • The DtS range for Surface Captures is 3.3 ft - 49.2 ft (1 m - 40 m)

Skydio X10 Wide camera GSD at various fixed Distance to Surface

Height (m) Height (ft) Full Resolution (50MP) GSD (mm) 1/4 Resolution (12MP) GSD (mm)
1.5 5 0.31 0.62
3 10 0.41 0.83
4.6 15 0.62 1.24
6.1 20 0.83 1.65
9.1 30 1.03 2.07
12.2 40 1.24 2.48
15.2 50 1.45 2.89
22.9 75 1.65 3.31
30.5 100 1.86 3.72
45.7 150 2.07 4.13
61 200 2.27 4.55

Skydio X10 Narrow camera GSD at various fixed Distance to Surface

Height (m) Height (ft) Full Resolution (64MP) GSD (mm) 1/4 Resolution (16MP) GSD (mm)
1.5 5 0.12 0.24
3 10 0.24 0.49
4.6 15 0.37 0.74
6.1 20 0.49 0.99
9.1 30 0.74 1.47
12.2 40 0.99 1.98
15.2 50 1.23 2.46
22.9 75 1.85 3.7
30.5 100 2.47 4.94
45.7 150 3.7 7.4
61 200 4.94 9.87



Explore More

Getting Started with Skydio X10

Accessing 3D Scan Data

Visual Geofencing in 3D Scan

Example use case settings for scanning with Skydio X10


 Skydio, Inc. A0465

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