How to create Onboard Maps and Models with Skydio X10
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Onboard Modeling using Skydio X10 features a fully end-to-end workflow that enables you to build a 3D model (Onboard Model) or 2D map (Onboard Map) immediately after your scan.
Use the Model Viewer to browse through scan photos, review a coverage mesh of your scan, and preview Onboard Maps or Models of your scan to validate data before leaving the scan site. Access this using Skydio Flight Deck.
- All scan modes include the option to generate a Textured 3D Model, or Onboard Model (.gLTF file)
- For Map Capture and Surface Capture, an additional Orthorectified 2D Map, or Onboard Map, is automatically generated (.tiff file)
[note] Onboard Model generation is only available with Skydio X10. For Skydio 2/2+ or Skydio X2 users, read How to use the Edge Model Viewer. [/note]
[accordion heading="Creating Onboard Maps or Models"]
There are two ways to create onboard maps/models after scans:
Immediately after a scan using Flight Deck |
Using the Media menu |
Using Flight Deck
Step 1 - Perform a scan Select Save after you complete a scan. |
Step 2 - Select Yes When asked if you would like to process an onboard model, select Yes to begin generating. |
Step 3 - Wait for your model to generate Your scan will process first, followed by the Onboard Model. Onboard Map/Model creation uses HD thumbnails (1920x1440) and processes about 30 images per minute.
If the battery is low and you are processing a large model, ensure the drone is plugged into a power source. |
[caution] Do not power off or remove the battery while processing. Doing so will result in the loss of data. [/caution] |
[note] Onboard Modeling is not available with thermal images. [/note] |
Step 4 - View your model Select Review Scan to enter the Model Viewer. You can also view your scan at any point using the Media menu. |
Using the Media menu
Step 1 - Navigate to the Media menu Open Global Settings and select Media. |
Step 2 - Select a scan | |
Step 3 - Select Create Model |
Step 4 - Wait for your model to generate Onboard Map/Model creation uses HD thumbnails (1920x1440) and processes processes about 30 images per minute.
If the battery is low and you are processing a large model, ensure the drone is plugged into a power source. |
[caution] Do not power off or remove the battery while processing. Doing so will result in the loss of data. [/caution] |
[note] Onboard Modeling is not available with thermal images. [/note] |
[accordion heading ="Viewing Onboard Maps and Models with Flight Deck"]
Step 1 - Navigate to the Media menu Open Global Settings and select Media. |
Step 2 - Select a scan A summary of the scan will display. Select Review Scan. The Model Viewer will open with the Onboard Map or Model loaded. |
Step 3 - Select 3D Coverage to change views (optional) If you would like to see the coverage mesh of your model, select Settings in the top right of the toolbar. Use the dropdown menu under Select Model Type and choose 3D Coverage.
[accordion heading="Tools"]
Coverage heatmap indicates the number of images taken at each location.
Capture points are the frustum shapes surrounding the scan.
Inspect Tool Allows you to pick any point on the model and filter for all images containing that specific point.
Settings Opens the Settings menu which allows you to adjust how your scan is displayed. Select Model Type 2D Coverage Onboard Model* Onboard Map* *Only available if you chose to generate a model Zoom to Selected Capture Point Automatically aligns the 3D view with the active capture point. Show All Capture Points Displays all capture points. When toggled off, this hides other points and displays only the active camera selected. Show Volume Displays a yellow prism around the structure to denote the user-defined scan volume. |
Info Summarizes information about the scan, the model, and the selected image including:
Copy an image (when viewing on a computer) |
Help Provides information about how to navigate the Model Viewer using Flight Deck or a computer |
Expand Enters fullscreen (when viewing on a computer) |
Battery Indicates the battery level of your drone |
Home Resets to the default view (when viewing on a computer) |
Download image Images download as .JPG files (when viewing on a computer). Downloaded images include scan information such as time, scan name, and dimensions. You have the option to rename your photo. |
[accordion heading="Exporting Onboard Maps or Models"]
Both Onboard Models and Onboard Maps are saved on the Media card. To access them, you will first need to transfer your data from Skydio X10.
If you have Media Sync, Onboard Models and Onboard Maps are uploaded to Skydio Cloud along with other media files.
Files for onboard models can be found in the corresponding scan folders:
- 3D Capture
- onboard_model.gltf
- Map or Surface Capture
- onboard_model.gltf
- orthophoto.tiff
- orthophoto_cloud_optimized.tiff (optimized for viewing on a laptop or in Skydio Cloud)
We recommend the following tools for viewing onboard modeling files:
- Microsoft 3D Viewer and MeshLab for .gltf files
- Windows Photo Viewer for orthophoto.tiff files
- MeshLab for .gltf files
- MacOS Preview for .tiff files
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