(Last updated: October 26th, 2022)
This Product End of Life Policy documents the support life-cycle for Skydio products: Skydio drones, controllers and software.
End of Availability - the date after which Skydio will no longer sell or make a product or feature available. Some accessories may be available for purchase after the End of Availability. Updates to the Software will no longer be released after the End of Availability.
End of Support for Hardware - the date after which Skydio will no longer provide support for the version of the product (which may be an initial support and/or an extended support that customer may purchase). Updates to the base (firmware) software will only be released for supported versions. Customer will not be able to buy additional support after the End of Support for a particular version of the product. Skydio will not repair or replace any components of any hardware product after the End of Support, however components may be available for purchase after the End of Support.
If a Skydio product requires replacement or repair under warranty and the product reaches End of Availability, Skydio may replace the discontinued product with functionally equivalent hardware and transfer the remaining license terms from the discontinued product to the replacement hardware.
End of Support for Software - the date after which Skydio will no longer provide support for the version of the software product (which may be an initial support and/or an extended support that customers may purchase). Updates to the Software will only be released for supported versions.
As a general rule, Skydio will provide at least a 6 months’ notice of the affected product’s End of Availability. During this notice period, access to Skydio support will remain available pursuant to our support policies.
When a Skydio product reaches End of Availability or End of Support, this policy will be updated with important dates and further information.
Currently, the Skydio R1 and all associated R1 products are at their End of Life, and are no longer supported.