Getting Started with Skydio Remote Ops
Published: Updated:
Getting started with Skydio Dock requires cloud setting configurations such as adding admins, claiming vehicles, linking devices, and adding wireless networks.
Quick Steps
- Toggle ON Data Capture
- Add Admins
- Claim vehicles and link to Dock
- Toggle ON Remote Flight Deck and Scheduled Mission
- Add wireless networks
- Sync cloud settings to your vehicle
- Update Skydio Dock and drones
Step 1 - Select the Settings menu and the General tab
[note] If Data Capture is toggled off the flight path and other telemetry data will not display on the flight screen [/note] |
Step 2 - Select the Users tab and Invite a Member OR import a file (CSV or text file)
[note] A member’s email address can only be associated with one organization at a time. [/note] |
Step 3 - Claim the vehicles, Docks, and Dock Lites that you want in your fleet:
Step 4 - Link vehicle to Dock
[note] Only one vehicle is linked to a Dock. If you link a new vehicle, the previous vehicle will no longer be linked.[/note] |
Step 5 - Add Dock ID (not required for Dock Lite)
[note] If you are installing multiple Docks within the same area, you must install unique license plates for each dock to ensure your drones return to the correct dock. After installing a new license plate, update the Dock ID in Skydio Cloud. [/note] |
Step 6 - Select the More Info (...) icon for the vehicle that you are enabling
Step 7 - Select Reboot
Step 8 - Add Wireless Networks
[note] Visit DRO How to set up your network for more information about network requirements and troubleshooting.[/note] |
Step 9 - Sync Cloud settings to your vehicle To get started with Dock you will need to connect the dock to your network router using a CAT5 Ethernet cable. Requirements for Dock Ethernet connection:
Power on your Skydio drone and the controlling device
Select the INFO menu and your drone Select Cloud Settings:
Step 10 - Check for updates
Step 11 - Perform the update:
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Skydio, Inc. A0310
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