This Extend integration supports Slack notifications when a status change occurs, a drone launches or lands, a mission fails, Live Streaming is available, Media is available, or Skydio Dock landing fails. Skydio will add the Slack integration into the customer’s specified Skydio Cloud organization and add the appropriate webhook, alerts, and Skydio API token as part of the integration process.

To purchase Skydio Extend, Cloud Media Sync, and Skydio 3D Scan, contact your Skydio Sales Representative.

Event Example Notification
Flight status changes Skydio-1234 started a flight
Skydio-1234 completed a flight
Vehicle online status changes Skydio-1234 is online
Skydio-1234 is offline
Mission failure Skydio-1234 failed to complete a mission
Dock landing failure Skydio-1234 landed outside Dock
Media available for scan Media from a flight by Skydio-1234 is available
Live stream status changes Skydio-1234 started a live stream
Skydio-1234 ended a live stream

To set up an Extend automation: 

  1. Set up your Skydio Cloud organization
  2. Request a Slack Skydio Extend Integration in Skydio Cloud
  3. Connect to your Slack Workspace 
  4. Select Slack channels
  5. Add the Skydio Extend app to your Slack workspace

Slack request integration.png

Connect Skydio Extend to Your Slack Workspace

Step 1 - Log into Skydio Cloud

Step 2 - Select the Integrations menu

Step 3 - Select the Slack Integration

Step 4 - Select the Connect button 

  • You will be prompted to log in to your Slack workspace

Select Channels to be Notified for Each Event:

The Slack Extend integration is designed to be customized to your needs. Skydio will need to set up a unique alert in your Skydio Cloud org for any notifications that you want to receive. Add a Slack channel for each event you want to receive notifications. Leave it blank if you do not want to receive notifications for a particular event.

[Note]Notifications can be sent to public channels only.[/Note]

Add Skydio Extend notifications to your Slack channels:

Step 1 - Open Channel Details and select Integrations 10785b30-d74d-4434-8697-e9a73dd8536a
Step 2 - Select Add an App and add the Skydio Extend app 9a08ce9d-3580-4e7a-920c-42303b2eec33

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