Scanning with multiple batteries in 3D Scan
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Using computer vision, Skydio can resume scans across multiple battery changes without reliance on GPS.
We recommend flying scans that require no more than 4 batteries. During the Review Scan Settings step, you will see a scan summary which includes the total scan time and estimated number of batteries. If your total number of batteries is greater than 4, consider adjusting your settings or split the volume into separate scans.
[caution] Wait to remove the depleted battery until all post-flight tasks are complete. Do not remove or swap out the Logs Card or Media Card between flights of the same scan. Removing either card when replacing a depleted battery will result in your drone being unable to resume the scan. [/caution]
How to change batteries mid-scan
When the battery has about 18-25% charge (or 3 minutes of flight time) remaining, your drone will follow Low Battery procedures. You will have the option to Land Now or Take Control to reposition your drone for landing.
To change batteries mid-scan:
- Land your drone and save the current scan.
- Wait to remove the depleted battery until all post-flight tasks are complete.
- Power off your drone, remove the depleted battery and replace.
- Power on your drone and wait as Skydio automatically connects.
- To successfully resume a scan after replacing the battery, the drone must launch from the exact same position and orientation between each flight. Launching in a different location or orientation will result in errors when attempting to resume your scan. We strongly recommend launching from the Skydio case.
[note] Using the same position and orientation is only required when launching. This is optional when landing. [/note]
[caution] Do not power off until all post-flight tasks are complete. Do not remove the Media Card or the Logs Card between flights of the same scan. Removing either card when replacing a depleted battery will result in your drone being unable to resume the scan. [/caution]
[note] While you should always select Save before completing a battery swap, Skydio will automatically save your scan before removing the depleted battery. [/note]
Resume scanning
After replacing the battery, launch to begin your flight. You should see an option to either continue the scan or begin a new scan. Select Continue when prompted to resume a scan.
Return Behaviors during a 3D Capture or Tower Capture with geofences enabled:
Return Behaviors during a 2D Capture with geofences enabled:
If both your drone and the Launch/Rally Point are inside the geofence, Skydio will maintain the same altitude as the scan Height and fly in a straight line to the Launch/Rally Point. Once it reaches either location, it will descend and hover above the point.
If either the drone or the Launch/Rally Point is located outside the geofence, Skydio will plan a path to the geofence entry or exit point then fly at the same altitude as the scan Height to the Launch/Rally Point. Once it reaches either location, it will descend and hover above the point.
[note] The geofence entry or exit path is defined as the location on the geofence that is closest to the Launch Point or Rally Point location. [/note]
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