What is the Panorama Skill?
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The Panorama Skill allows you to take three different types of panoramic photos while in flight.
How to use Panorama
Step 1 - Select the Panorama Skill Your drone will automatically switch into Camera mode. |
Step 2 - Select Capture Type Open the Skill Settings and select the style of Panorama you would like to capture. Choose from Horizontal, Vertical, or Spherical. |
Step 3 - Use Panorama Live Preview to frame the shot The camera feed will show a low-resolution live preview of your panorama. Fly to your desired location and adjust the roll, pitch, yaw and throttle to encompass the scene. Use
[note] Adjusting the gimbal pitch will not affect the live preview. [/note] |
Step 4 - Begin capturing photos Select the on-screen shutter button or manually press the shutter button on your controller. In the top right of your screen, you will see a photo count display. When all photos have been captured, Skydio will return to the original yaw and gimbal pitch position it was in prior to starting the panorama. |
[note] You will not be able to pilot your drone while Skydio autonomously captures photos. To cancel the Panorama and fly manually, select the red X located in the top right of your screen. [/note] |
Step 5 - Land and wait as your panorama stitches After landing, your Skydio will automatically begin stitching the captured panorama. Wait for this process to finish before powering off your drone. |
[caution] If you power off your drone or remove the battery before stitching completes, your panorama will be lost. [/caution] |
Step 6 - Select the Media tab to see the finished photo All panoramas will be located in the Panoramas section of the Media tab. |
Panorama Settings
Select your capture mode and camera setting within the Skill settings menu.
Capture Modes
Vertical captures a full 180° vertical panorama | 9600 x 3200 1:3 aspect ratio 30.72 Megapixels |
Horizontal captures a 180° horizontal panorama, centered at the horizon | 12000 x 3000 1:4 aspect ratio 36 Megapixels |
Spherical provides a full 360° equirectangular image. The final stitched output includes metadata which allows the image to be viewed in 360° interactive viewers. | 12000 x 6000 72 Megapixels |
Camera Settings
Smart Capture helps you capture the perfect shot without worrying about your exposure settings. This is enabled by default, meaning Skydio will automatically capture the white balance and exposure values and adjust accordingly before capturing your panorama.
- The white balance is captured and logged first at -45° below the horizon
- The exposure compensation value is captured and logged at 15° above the horizon
- The exposure compensation value is then reduced by 0.5 and applied to all photos
[note] The exposure compensation includes the Shutter Speed and the ISO values. [/note]
After your panorama completes, the camera settings will revert back to your global camera settings.
Viewing your media
Navigate to the Media tab to view your stitched panorama photos. Select an image and choose Save to Device to save individual panoramas directly to your device. Panorama photos are saved as .jpg files.
Find the original unstitched photos in the Photos section.
Explore More
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What Skills are available within the Skydio app?
Skydio 2/2+ Flight Screen and Device Settings
How to use Skydio 2/2+ KeyFrame Skill
Skydio, Inc. A0317
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