Customize your return settings to ensure no obstacles, people, or animals will be in the pathway of your returning drone. Skydio will retain its current obstacle avoidance setting while returning.
You have two options when selecting a Low Battery Return Behavior:
Always Ask (default) - When the battery is only sufficient to return and land, you will be asked to select the return behavior
Return to Home Point - If you have a Home Point set, your drone will automatically return there when the battery is only sufficient to return and land
Your selected setting persists across flights and power cycles.
[note] You must set a Home Point to use Return to Home Point. [/note]
[caution] Always Ask and Return to Home Point require a GPS connection. [/caution]
When your battery is low, there will be a series of notifications and actions to ensure a safe landing. There are two different types of low battery notifications:
Battery Range Warning - Skydio will assess your altitude and distance from the Launch Point or Home Point (if set), then warn you when it is time to return home. It is recommended you initiate a return or land at this time, however you can choose to keep flying.
Low Battery - Skydio will notify you when it has two minutes of flight time left (based on its current altitude). The battery indicator will begin a two-minute countdown. You may choose to continue flying, however it is strongly recommended that you fly to a safe location and land. When the two-minute countdown is complete, Skydio will initiate an automatic landing that you will be unable to cancel. You will maintain the ability to nudge the drone in roll, pitch, and yaw to avoid any obstacles.
No Home Point set
Home Point set
Always Ask
The Battery Range Warning will ask if you want to Keep Flying or Return to Controller |
The Battery Range Warning will ask if you want to Keep Flying or Return Home |
[note] If you continue flying after receiving a Battery Range Warning, you will receive a Low Battery notification when Skydio has two minutes of flight time left. [/note]
Return to Home Point
The Battery Range Warning will ask if you want to Keep Flying or Return to Controller |
Skydio will automatically return to the Home Point when the battery is only sufficient to return and land
To set your Low Battery return location:
Step 1 - Select the Settings menu icon Step 2 - Select the Drone tab Step 3 - Select Return Behavior
Step 4 - Select Low Battery
Step 5 - Choose your return behavior
Explore More
Explore related articles for additional information:
How to fly Skydio 2/2+ in cold weather
Understanding Skydio 2/2+ Return Behaviors
Skydio 2/2+ Battery guidelines and safety
Skydio, Inc. A0333